Some writers need long stretches of time to dig deep into
their stories. I’m not one of them, either. I’m a slow-and-steady plodder. There’s
nothing right or wrong about either way; each writer discovers what’s right for
them. So the following comes from my own experience.
If I’m going to write a novel and a couple of short stories
every year (or two novels in 18 months), I need to write consistently, especially when I’m
in the early drafting stages. All bets are off when I’m writing proposals, rewriting,
or revising to editorial order. Most of the time, I find daily goals helpful,
so long as they are achievable. I don’t find it at all supportive to post my
progress in terms of words of pages. One writer of my acquaintance used to post
not only words written but anti-words;
words the writer had deleted. I like that the writer acknowledged that not all
progress can be measured by the total number of words.
A better goal for me is to
write well.
That means different things at different times. I might be
daydreaming and discover a better ending to my novel; that’s a great day’s work
without generating a single word. I might pound out twenty pages that take the
story in such a colossally wrong direction that it takes me a week to untangle
the mess. I usually feel happy when I end my work day knowing that I have
advanced the story in the right direction. My yoga teacher says progress is
directional: it’s not how far you can stretch but whether you’re facing the way
you want to go.
Over the years, I’ve learned to pay attention to resistance.
The story just isn’t coming together; the characters are not doing what I want
them to do! I simply can’t settle down and focus. As frustrating as it is,
resistance can be my friend. I’m not inherently a reluctant writer; I love it
when the story in my imagination flows through the words. I love discovering
things in the story I didn’t know were there when I began. So I trust that if I’m
restless and grouchy, or the story is restless and grouchy, that there’s
something I need to pay attention to. I might need to go for a long walk and
talk things through out loud. (At various times, I’ve had nonwriter friends who
were nonetheless wonderful sounding boards for story problems.) I might need to
go back to where the story lost its balance, that ghostly box canyon of ideas,
that out-of-character decision. Or that point where the story started deviating
from my outline, but in the right way, and I’ve been trying to deform it back
to the prearranged path.
When things aren’t going so well, or at all, I can help
myself to focus by deciding what I want to happen today. It could be a certain number
of pages or words, especially if the story is flowing smoothly. Or it could be
to find out where I went wrong, so I know how much to unravel. It could be to
write one scene, but a scene that has to be nailed exactly right, like the
dismount of a Gold-medal Olympic gymnast. This helps to relieve the pressure to
produce words, regardless, and also eases the way through those thorny passages
to full speed ahead.
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