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The Laran Gambit was released in November 2022 in ebook and hardcover editions. The trade paperback edition will be out in November, 2023.
Jewels of Darkover (anthology) is scheduled for 2023 and Arilinn is set for 2024.
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I began working with Marion in the final year of her life, thinking we would collaborate on one or more novels. Although we had worked out a general plot arc for three books when she died, I went on to write them myself under the supervision of her Literary Trustee. Those three books, The Fall of Neskaya, Zandru’s Forge, and A Flame in Hali, were followed by three more. At first, I worked to maintain Bradley’s literary voice and creative vision. By the end of the sixth book (The Children of Kings), I realized how much of my own imagination colored the story and its landscape. I found myself drawn away from the characters and situations that Marion had envisioned, and toward those I had invented.
I believe it’s a healthy thing to simultaneously allow for the introduction of new characters, themes, and resonances, at the same time staying true to the spirit of the world, a wondrous place of telepaths and swordsmen, nonhumans and ancient mysteries, the clash of cultures between a star-faring, technologically advanced civilization and one that has pursued psychic gifts and has turned away from weapons of mass destruction. It’s an engraved invitation to gritty, romantic, action-adventure, gender-bending, inclusive, poignant, uplifting stories!
How the collaboration came about:
Marion passed away in September 1999, and I was asked to speak at her funeral. In completing this project and continuing the series beyond it, I hope to honor her memory and the enduring vision she has left to us all.