Monday, July 15, 2024

[Guest Post] Lara Ferrari on Building Authentic Relationships With Readers

Lara Ferrari (of Lemon Friday) has marvelous, insightful suggestions for how writers can create and nourish connections with our readers. Actually, many of these apply to other relationships, too! The following are from a recent article by Lara:

Here are 12 ways you can build personal connections and authentic relationships with readers (in a way AI could never):

Relatable, real-life struggles

1. Readers don't want 'perfect'; they want 'real'. So don't be scared to open up about something you're currently finding hard.

2. If you've overcome something difficult and emerged on the other side – good for you! – celebrate and share your inspirational story with your followers.

Community-centered conversations

3. Readers (like everyone else) love to feel included – so involve your community in the creation of your book. Use your captions to share exclusive tidbits and then ask for input, ideas and feedback.

4. Who doesn't like giving their opinion?! Prove to your readers that you genuinely care what they think by asking for their takes on a book or life-related topic.

Honest insights into your writing process

5. Getting a glimpse into an author's writing process is like sneaking a peek behind the curtains of a magic show. Every writer is different (and most readers are nosy!) so open up about how your magic is made.
6. Don't be afraid to talk about the good, fun, exciting stuff and the challenging, frustrating, heartbreaking stuff. It's a great way to build human connections – and intrigue for your book.

"On a mission to simplify book marketing for writers who’d rather be writing, Lemon Friday founder Lara Ferrari has personally helped over 100 authors and aspiring authors grow engaged communities of readers online. Her handy tips, tools and templates are designed to streamline your marketing so you can build a legion of super-fans… before your book is even written."

The link to get the full download is:

Here's a reel of Lara talking about AI and writers. I hope you find her as delightful as I do!

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